Disappearance from Donington 11-08-2003

Evenin all

Well first things first, it has been brought to my attention that I am now
sans employment.
Yes folks thats right, my redundancy has been confirmed.

Sorry Geoff.

Ivan, Hernando, did you get yours? Who else will be going?

Well, back to more mundane matters.
I'm sure you will all be highly relieved to know that my luggage finally
turned up on Saturday afternoon.
I was.

Spent 3 glorious days in the sun at the Donington Park motor circuit
enjoying modern day sports cars & formula 3000 racing & positively
salivating over the Thoroughbred Grand Prix cars.
These are the F1 cars of my childhood. Anything from a 1970 Brabham (one
that Jack drove) to early 80's Williams, Lotus's (Lotii??) & Tyrrells etc.
Unfortunately neither the Ferraris or the Alfas turned up so it was a bit
like super Formula Ford (they were all powered by Cosworth V8s) but lots of
fun & nostalgia.

Poms still bitching about the weather. Apparently yesterday was the first
day in English history that they cracked the old 100 degrees mark. It was a
bloody marvelous day, just like a Sydney summer. Nice & warm in the morning,
a little humid but not too much, then a whacking great thunder storm to cool
everything down in the afternoon.



The thunder storm made the racing a great deal more entertaining as the old
F1s & the European Formula 3000 races were held in the wet which made one
chaps decision to go out in his 1977 Ensign on SLICKS!!! somewhat dubious.
There are brave decisions & then there are BRAVE!! decisions. The fact that
he lasted about a lap & a half before clouting the barriers says a lot more
about his car control ability than his ability to make sane decisions. Ah
well, he didn't hit the barriers that hard. Just a lot of cosmetic damage,
the chassis was OK.

Anyhoo I am off to some lookin about at cultural type stuff before my next
Racing hit in 2 weeks at Oulton Park.

Time, I think for a pint of bitter to celebrate my lack of employment.

Until next time...

The really, really,
